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President Message

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President Message

Dear professors, doctors, teachers, administrative staff and students of the Research Medical and Social Institute! The world is currently facing an unprecedented global challenge - the spread of a new disease. As long as trouble has not touched us, we do not see and do not know what efforts are being made today to contain this threat. The only noble work of doctors, nurses, everyone who cares about people's health is very important to us. Therefore, health is the most important wealth of a person, it cannot be measured by anything, cannot be compared with anything. The demand of the population of Central and Southeast Asia for medical workers is increasing every year, and from time immemorial they have been the most influential and integral part of our society. Risking their health and life, a qualified medical worker everywhere provides people with emergency medical and social assistance. To support the improvement of the health of the population, there is an urgency to train qualified medical personnel. To solve this problem, the founders organized the Institution “Research Medical and Social Institute”, which began its educational activities in 2018. Despite the short period of time, our institute replenished its educational, clinical and material and technical base, increased the number of students and faculty. We are entering the future with an excellent modern educational, scientific, material and technical base, a lot of work has been done in this direction: educational buildings have been expanded, medical clinics have been built, the number of classrooms, scientific laboratories, lecture and assembly halls and other equipment has been increased. During the period of globalization in Kyrgyzstan, the staff of the Institute systematically and purposefully takes an active part in the ongoing events in the world, new developments in the healthcare system. Our common task is to strengthen the health of our people, the peoples of Central and Southeast Asia, encourage them to lead a healthy lifestyle, prevent morbidity, and be ready to confront the new challenges of our time. I firmly believe that in the future our institute will gain international fame, train highly-demanded personnel in medicine and its work will be highly appreciated at the proper level. We are always glad to welcome you, dear colleagues, friends, guests within the walls of our Institute! President of NIMSI, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences., Doctor of Economics, Professor Arynbaev Zh.T.